April 2020

Double time free Total Recall VR training

Twiddling your thumbs and wondering how to best use your time while in lock-down?

We are doubling our free Total Recall VR on-line remote training time budget during the months of April, May and June 2020 for Total Recall VR end users and resellers. That is 30 hours of free training time each month, any group size, any topic. Why don’t you book some time this month?

February 2020

The “Total Recall VR is 20 in 2020” celebration continues!!!

This February in 2020 we continue our celebration of 20 years and 4 generations of the all Australian designed and made Total Recall VR audio logging and call recording products.

While it all started in 2000 with the first award winning Total Recall VR Desktop unit, we quickly found ourselves between a rock and a hard place when IBM announced that OS/2 is not going to ‘warp’ any more after 2002. So we made the brave move to Linux and even braver move to Java (Java for real-time!? You have to be crazy we hear you say. Well we said it was brave). And the 2nd generation of award winning Total Recall VR Desktop started rolling off the production line.

January 2020

Total Recall VR is 20 in 2020!!!

This Australia day in 2020 we are delighted to start celebrating 20 years and 4 generations of the all Australian designed and made Total Recall VR products.

It all started April 2000 when the first award winning Total Recall VR Desktop unit was born in Australia and very quickly departed for South Africa to start its service. It was the days when OS/2 warped, 32bit was way more than 8bit, GUIs were TUIs, you had to know who is the ‘master’ and who is the ‘slave’, 7.9Kbs compression was needed to put more than 1000 hours of audio on the largest capacity hard disk that money could buy and writing a CD-R took more than 40 minutes.

December 2019

Dear Total Recall VR partners, Thank You for a great 2019

Dear Total Recall VR partners, ‘Thank You’ for choosing and supporting Total Recall VR products and applications during 2019. On behalf of the Total Recall VR team and the wider Prolancer team I wanted you to know that everyone that is part of both teams truly appreciate your support.

September 2019

11.9.0 Firmware and 16.0.0 PC applications go GA!

We are delighted to announce the general availability of a the latest release 11.9.0 firmware and 16.0.0 PC applications for Total Recall VR recorders which include support for the latest Tait VRP specification (April 2019) an improved Virtualis for VMware.

August 2019

Happy 14th birthday Prolancer!

Total Recall VR has been part of the Prolancer journey since 2011, 9 years now. It has been a roller coaster ride filled with fun and challenges, but we would not have it any other way.

A very special thank you to all of the Total Recall VR reseller partners around the world that were and still are part of the journey, it would not have been possible without you.

We look forward to celebrating Prolancer’s 15th and Total Recall VR’s 20th birthday in 2020.

June 2019

Total Recall VR June 2019 promotion – have you seen a Total Recall VR ad?

Total Recall VR ads have been appearing in a number of on-line magazines over the last 6 months, and we would like your help to determine which one is giving us the best exposure possible.

We are offering a 5% discount on your next Total Recall VR appliance order during the month of June 2019 if you tell us where you have seen a Total Recall VR and/or a Total Recall VR Cloud ad.

May 2019

Survey results are in!

We wish to thank everyone that took the time to complete our latest survey.

Among other information we now know why customers purchase a Total Recall VR. Recording of telephones (IP and analogue) and 2-way radios (IP and analogue) remain the main reasons. However, recording of air traffic control communication (via the ED-137 interface) is becoming more popular by the day and is likely to be on par with telephones and 2-way radios in the next 12 to 24 months.

March 2019

11.8.0 Firmware and 15.0.0 PC applications go GA!

We are delighted to announce the general availability of a the latest release 11.8.0 firmware and 15.0.0 of PC applications for Total Recall VR recorders which add support for recording Zetron Acom and MAX systems, real-time replication of recordings to a removable disk drive, improved passive IP recording channels, archiving to NTFS formatted USB drives and much more.